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How to write great cover letters for jobs and a list of mistakes to avoid

The Insider Guide to Careers

Insider information, secrets and tips about getting hired and building careers. For employees and job candidates.

I will spend some time describing in detail how to write a cover letter and every common mistake a job applicant makes.

  • Do not aim to write one generic cover letter and send it to dozens of companies. That is a disaster. Anyone reading the cover letter can spot how bland and artificial it sounds.
  • Customize the cover letter, and the chances are that 3 times out of ten, you will grab the recruiter’s attention if they look at it. Spend time customizing the cover letter, and it will be worth it.

Here is an example of a really bad cover letter. Let us call it ugly.

The red flags are listed below:

Here is an example of a person who puts effort and still fails to create a good cover letter. Note that some recruiters are concerned if they do not see a comma after the salutation or a comma after a bullet point sentence.

The issues with the email are listed below:

Here is an example of a good cover letter, even though it is not perfect (the minor issues are highlighted)

I will end by sharing a good cover letter format that you can use. Again, customize it for each company. Copying and pasting never works.

Cover letter format that works:

Dear AA or BB company team,

(One line about why this company and your unlimited enthusiasm). I hope to be interviewed for the opening for the CC role in your DD team.

I have spent N years managing EE for FF company at GG location where I (add metric). (Add more metrics and STAR story for every additional 3 years of experience). (Add external recognitions). My top three skills are H, I and J, in addition to other skills that match the job description.

My resume is enclosed. I am eagerly awaiting a chance to interview and join the XX company team.



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